Рейтинг екскурсовода: 5
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Excellent! Guide is very informative. Will highly recommend to all!
Thank you so much for both the tours that our small English group had with you this week, Natalya. You are a truly wonderful guide. Magnificent command of English, with just a faint accent. It was my first visit to Kiev and our visits to St Sophia’s, to St Cyril’s and our strolls around the city with the Golden Gate , Gorodetski House, St Volodmyr’s etc will remain in my memory for a long time.
Thank you so much to my wonderful tour guide, Natasha. She was very knowledgeable and all of the facts and figures memorized. Amazing. She was very friendly also. I recommend this tour to anyone interested in Kiev.
Excellent! Natalia is a very nice and knowledgeable guide. Mixing important serious facts with some funny info about Kyiv, she managed to make this tour unforgettable. Thanks a lot!